Melbourne Music Teachers

Albert Chen

Albert Chen

Miami Street, Hawthorn VIC, Australia

Violin Lessons

  • Qualifications: Violin LMusA, Piano AMusA
  • Pricing: $80 per hour
  • Styles: Classical
  • Suitability: 12 and above


In violin, I have completed all AMEB grades (from Preliminary to Licentiate).

I attended Scotch College Melbourne with a scholarship as a secondary school student. During this time, I received a masterclass from Jack Glatzer.

Besides studying solo violin, I also went beyond grade 6 theory, delving into some grade 7 (now absorbed into the Associate Diploma in Harmony and Counterpoint).

Teaching Info

Tutoring is rewarding, especially the light-bulb moments. This can involve experimentation to find the explanation that:

  • firstly, a student “gets” and
  • secondly, is able to apply.

While AMEB’s graded system offers a structured approach, I believe finding many pieces that a student will enjoy is also needed to maintain engagement. This can include venturing into orchestral parts and chamber music, depending on the student.

I can also provide piano accompaniment.

Contact Albert Chen