63 Westgarth Street, Northcote VIC, Australia
Piano Lessons | Theory Lessons, VCE Music Exam Preparation
Anna Robinson is a Northcote-based piano teacher and accompanist with 20+ years teaching experience. She currently teaches piano at her private studio and two government primary schools in the northern suburbs of Melbourne.
Also a composer of educational piano works, Anna is a Pedagogical Associate Artist with the Australian Music Centre. Many pieces from her publications are included in the current piano syllabi for St Cecilia Examinations International, ANZCA Music Examinations and The Australian Guild of Music & Speech (AGMS).
An experienced accompanist, Anna enjoys collaborating with fellow musicians of all ages and welcomes further opportunities to perform in this special supportive role. She regularly accompanies AMEB and VCE exam candidates; at eisteddfods and auditions; for choirs, musicals, school ensembles and instrumental teachers’ studio concerts.
Teaching Info
In the teaching studio, alongside the development of healthy technical skills, Anna places an emphasis on developing music literacy skills so that young pianists may later enjoy the richness and diversity of the piano’s repertoire. She offers a balanced curriculum that honours student requests whilst achieving curricular goals.